Mental Performance Program

Helping you Reduce Anxiety, Boost Confidence, and Perform at Your Peak.


Mental Performance Program for Hockey Athletes

The FlowState: Unleashed is a Mental Performance Program for Hockey Athletes who struggle with Performing under pressure, and aren’t sure how to control their anxiety and find the confidence they need during critical moments in the game that could make or break their career.

Inside of FlowState Unleashed, I teach players how to:
  • Control their anxiety during critical games & skate with confidence so they can get noticed
  • Boost players' confidence and focus so that they can play at their best, every time they're on the ice.
  • Increase Mental Toughness and Grit, which will showcase their talent to scouts and agents
  • Remove Limiting Beliefs and Destructive Thought Patterns that are preventing them from playing at their peak abilities
  • Drop into FlowState and Perform with Consistency and Ease
  • Become an Elite and High Performer

Features of FlowState

FlowState: Unleashed is a community of Hockey Athletes who refuse to let their performance be affected by their Anxiety and Low Confidence on the ice, which could ultimately affect their future and career!

Flowstate: Unleashed is a 3 Month 1:1 Coaching Program

We meet Biweekly on Zoom for One hour (for a total of 6 sessions)

Each Week you Receive different strategies to implement in order to improve On Ice Performance

You get on-call access via what’s app / zoom / text for before or after game Q&A

Parents get an optional 20 minute session , where we can discuss progress, tools, and methods to reinforce at home

Access to a Community of LikeMinded, performance driven athletes to connect, share wins and successes with

* In person Workshops and Custom Team Packages are also available.

“What Can I say…but that Amy is Genuinely invested and has real life competitive experience plus the training and ingenuity to assist with improving athletes mindset and provide skills to address doubt/anxiety etc. She is the REAL DEAL! Our son has turned the corner in Jr A hockey since meeting Amy to the tune of realizing almost a 1.5pts/game average after a previous .70/game. He’s grown as a young man, player and team mate improving his 200’ game dramatically! Thanks Amy”

FlowState: Unleashed Client

“After only a few weeks working with Amy I have already seen major improvement in my mental health and outlook on tough situations.  The tools she’s provided me have changed how I handle the mental challenges that come with hockey and have had a positive impact on me as a person and athlete.”

FlowState: Unleashed Client

“Amy has been amazing. Her passion and care for her clients is second to none. I look forward to continuing my journey with her. I would definitely recommend her to anyone struggling with mental and performance anxieties.”Thanks Amy”

FlowState: Unleashed Client

“We noticed more positives in our son after his sessions with Amy.   Our son is now able to determine what he can and cannot control, his response and actions to varying situations.  As parents of an elite athlete, the sessions with Amy have given him some life long skills.” Thanks Amy”

FlowState: Unleashed Client


Meet Amy Ford

My name is Amy Ford and I'm a Mental Performance Coach, and over the past 2 years I've worked with 100's of athletes to help them take control of their on-ice performance and propel them forward in their hockey career. I am a certified NLP Practitioner, a Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and compete internationally.

For years I suffered from debilitating anxiety that made it difficult to leave the house. I also had recurring limiting beliefs that stopped me from attempting new things and held me back from stepping outside of my comfort zone.

"I'm not confident enough", "I’m not strong enough". "I’m too anxious". All of those thoughts and ideas were keeping me in a very small space in life.

One of the key components of my growth over the years was studying and learning how to Reprogram the Subconscious Mind which allowed me to finally take control of my anxiety, thought patterns and skyrocketed my ability to Perform in my Sport.

During the course of my work I quickly discovered that there is a very specific need for these Strategies to be introduced to the Hockey Community. The pressures that these Athletes experience from Coaches, Parents, Scouts, Agents, Fans, and Press is something that can greatly affect a players ability to perform and can wreak havoc on their anxiety and confidence levels.

I’m so happy to be able to share these strategies and tools to help you take control of your performance and propel you forward into your hockey career.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is mental performance coaching?
What is NLP?
What tools do you offer?
Do you guarantee results?
Can I use the program if I'm NOT a hockey player athlete?
Am I able to submit your services through my benefits?
Are you a Registered Sports Psychologist?


Recognize your Patterns in Play and Take the Mental Performance Assessment

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